Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gunstock Ski Resort


Gunstock Ski Resort is located in a great area in New Hampshire. The mountain is located right next to Lake Winnipesaukee which is a huge tourist attraction for many people during the winter or summer. The mountain's location has a lot to offer from being on the lake. There are many restaurants close by and places to stay over night for people who have to long of a drive to make a day trip. Also during the night the town is a great spot with lots of actives to do.


The terrain of Gunstock is great. The mountain is very diverse too. With all of the diversity the mountain has to offer it is perfect for all different levels of skiers or riders. The mountain is good for experts that like to hit the trees because it has some great glades. Also there are some steep locations on the mountain too, but some of those trails turn icy very quickly so your best bet would be to go ski them in the morning. Lastly Gunstock offers great beginner trails for all because it is a very family run mountain.


The staff at Gunstock is very knowledgable. All of the instructors at the mountain know exactly what they are doing. The instructors all go through training processes where they learn techniques of teaching and also they shadow instructors that have been doing this for a long time. The staff at Gunstock are very friendly people that are easy to approach. Lastly the coaches for the Gunstock Race Team are some of the best in the state of New Hampshire. They always produce some of the best skiers in the whole state and are tough competitors.

10 Things That Make Gunstock Great

1. Diverse terrain
2. May different lifts
3. Several large lodges
4. Lots of places to stay
5. Family orientated mountain
6. Top notch teaching staff
7. Beautiful views of the lake
8. High speed lifts
9. Lots of places to eat
10. Good for all levels of skiers or riders

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